[Diversity-talk] Diverse conferences need you!
Rebecca Firth
2018-04-12 21:41:23 UTC

The HOT and FOSS4G community have been working hard to develop the
conference Code of Conduct for the upcoming event in Tanzania (
http://2018.foss4g.org/). The goal is to ensure the conference is as
welcoming and safe as it can be, and maintain a commitment to diverse and
inclusive conferences. Part of this means hosting conferences in countries
where HOT works as an organisation and where there are strong local OSM
communities. However, this does raise important concerns about safety and
security for attendees. We hope a re-drafted CoC will help all future
events happening in countries with similar local laws to Tanzania, to
ensure they can protect the interests and security of attendees as best as
possible. SOTM Africa, future, SOTMs, etc etc..

The Summit/FOSS4G Working Groups have a re-drafted policy and would love
feedback from an as-diverse-as-possible group. If you're keen to support,
please get in touch with Amelia and Rachel in copy, who will send you a
copy of the policy and gladly hear your feedback.


*Rebecca Firth*
Community and Partnerships Manager
***@hotosm.org <***@hotosm.org>

*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*

You can #mapthedifference today! Donate.hotosm.org
web <http://hotosm.org/> | twitter <https://twitter.com/hotosm> | facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/hotosm> | donate <http://donate.hotosm.org/>
Rory McCann
2018-04-14 16:40:52 UTC

An additional way to help out is on the FOSS4G github, where there are 2
issues for the CoC & travel advice, where you can leave comments, and
see the draft documents. Most of my suggestions have been taken on board.

all future events happening in countries with similar local laws to
Can you please state in what (limited!) circumstances (parts of) the HOT
CoC are optional, or run the risk that CoC opponents using any reason
they want to have an event with a CoC with lots of "opt-outs", claiming
"cultural differences".

My suggestion: "No events where homosexuality is illegal if
homosexuality/etc is legal in one part of the region for this event."
(there might be other cases).

The HOT and FOSS4G community have been working hard to develop the
conference Code of Conduct for the upcoming event in Tanzania
(http://2018.foss4g.org/). The goal is to ensure the conference is as
welcoming and safe as it can be, and maintain a commitment to diverse
and inclusive conferences. Part of this means hosting conferences in
countries where HOT works as an organisation and where there are strong
local OSM communities. However, this does raise important concerns about
safety and security for attendees. We hope a re-drafted CoC will help
all future events happening in countries with similar local laws to
Tanzania, to ensure they can protect the interests and security of
attendees as best as possible. SOTM Africa, future, SOTMs, etc etc..
The Summit/FOSS4G Working Groups have a re-drafted policy and would love
feedback from an as-diverse-as-possible group. If you're keen to
support, please get in touch with Amelia and Rachel in copy, who will
send you a copy of the policy and gladly hear your feedback.
*Rebecca Firth*
Community and Partnerships Manager
*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
You can #mapthedifference today! Donate.hotosm.org
web <http://hotosm.org/> | twitter <https://twitter.com/hotosm> |
facebook <https://www.facebook.com/hotosm> | donate
Diversity-talk mailing list
Code of Conduct: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Diversity/MailingList/CodeOfConduct
Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
2018-04-14 18:47:21 UTC
Hi Rory,

Thank you very much for all your help with the CoC.

I was hoping we could put together another resource that is practical
advice for LGBTQ travellers.

You offered some good advice that I would never think of, empty your
phones of potentially problematic apps or content.

I read on the State Department one tip that said be wary of
entrampment type schemes with people trying to trick someone into
revealing info that would get them in trouble with the law.

I looked on a few gay travel websites, but most of their practical
advice consisted of saying know the local laws and check with the US
or other national foreign affairs office for their advice.

Could we somehow collaborate on a blog post that would offer some more
practical advice, all the helpful details and advice that can't really
go in the CoC but still would be helpful to folks.

Just a thought, if you think you would have time to contribute I can
make a shared google doc to just start the advice list or something.
But i do not have much to add besides stuff I can find spread around
the Internets, you seemed to have a lot of good advice I think would
be good to share.

Post by Rory McCann
An additional way to help out is on the FOSS4G github, where there are 2
issues for the CoC & travel advice, where you can leave comments, and
see the draft documents. Most of my suggestions have been taken on board.
all future events happening in countries with similar local laws to
Can you please state in what (limited!) circumstances (parts of) the HOT
CoC are optional, or run the risk that CoC opponents using any reason
they want to have an event with a CoC with lots of "opt-outs", claiming
"cultural differences".
My suggestion: "No events where homosexuality is illegal if
homosexuality/etc is legal in one part of the region for this event."
(there might be other cases).
The HOT and FOSS4G community have been working hard to develop the
conference Code of Conduct for the upcoming event in Tanzania
(http://2018.foss4g.org/). The goal is to ensure the conference is as
welcoming and safe as it can be, and maintain a commitment to diverse
and inclusive conferences. Part of this means hosting conferences in
countries where HOT works as an organisation and where there are strong
local OSM communities. However, this does raise important concerns about
safety and security for attendees. We hope a re-drafted CoC will help
all future events happening in countries with similar local laws to
Tanzania, to ensure they can protect the interests and security of
attendees as best as possible. SOTM Africa, future, SOTMs, etc etc..
The Summit/FOSS4G Working Groups have a re-drafted policy and would love
feedback from an as-diverse-as-possible group. If you're keen to
support, please get in touch with Amelia and Rachel in copy, who will
send you a copy of the policy and gladly hear your feedback.
*Rebecca Firth*
Community and Partnerships Manager
*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
You can #mapthedifference today! Donate.hotosm.org
web <http://hotosm.org/> | twitter <https://twitter.com/hotosm> |
facebook <https://www.facebook.com/hotosm> | donate
Diversity-talk mailing list
Code of Conduct: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Diversity/MailingList/CodeOfConduct
HOT mailing list
Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team